From pools to routes


Defi is made up of a multitude of building blocks on the blockchain, with dApps and protocols spread over multiple blockchains, complexity is lurking around the corner.  To successfully deploy your defi assets, you have to know the destination chain of a certain token or protocol, find the bridge or swapping route to get access, and determine the most efficient way to do that.. And if your strategy consists of complex elements such as hedging or pseudo-delta-neutral position creation, complexity becomes increasingly hard to manage.

To simplify this process and make defi accessible to a larger audience, DeCommas has introduced Pathfinder, the algorithmic routing solution that finds the fastest and most cost-efficient route to get you from point A to B in the world of defi, powered by LI.FI. With Pathfinder, you can easily bridge, swap, lend, borrow, and execute other complex actions across multiple protocols, aggregators, and exchanges.

The release of Pathfinder is another key milestone in our mission to make web3 and defi more accessible by building a user-friendly mission control for web3.

Pathfinder Architecture

The main building blocks of Pathfinder are Pathfinder Engine, DataFeeder and Transactions Builder. A schematic overview of Pathfinder is provided below.

Pathfinder - Frame 1.jpg

Pathfinder Engine (gray block): Constructed on top of Li.Fi API and our own search engine Rust microservices. It takes input/query from the user and returns sorted routes for execution.

Transactions Builder: Service for transforming PathFinder returned route units into executable Transaction objects. Connected with DeCommas DataLayer for asset symbols from route to asset addresses mapping fetch. Also, service state uses LI.FI API for producing bridge transactions. This module helps the user execute advanced DeFi routes as a single transaction all within one single interface.

Current integrations

Currently, Pahtfinder is integrated with the following protocols and projects:

This list will be updated as Pathfinder is developed further.

Step-by-step Guide for Pathfinder V1

  1. Visit DeCommas` Pathfinder page.


  1. Connect your wallet via Metamask or WalletConnect.