Cross-chain swap allows users to swap any token to any token in another chain, with a single transaction, using Li.Fi protocol API integration. This removes the need for users to perform off-platform interactions to get access to liquidity for DeCommas services and automated strategies.

How does Swap work?

The DeCommas cross-chain swap tool is built using Li.Fi API and SDK integration. Li.Fi is a data mesh of liquidity sources (bridges, cross-chain liquidity networks, DEXes, etc.) currently operating through 16 blockchain networks. With help of Li.Fi we can route any asset on any accessible chain to the desired asset on a destination chain through a simple and convenient UI.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Go to Swap page of DeCommas App.

  2. Click “Connect Wallet” button on the bottom of the widget.


  3. Choose the type of web3 wallet you’d like to connect.

  4. Connect your web3 wallet to the app and sign ToS message.

  5. Click on the “From” field of the widget. In the modal window choose the network and the token you wish to swap. You can also use search field to find token by name or address of its blockchain contract.


  6. Click on “To” field of the widget and choose in the model window network and token you wish to receive after the swap. You can also use search field to find token by name or address of its blockchain contract.

  7. Enter the token quantity you wish to swap into “You pay” field. Use “Max” to choose the maximum quantity you have in your wallet.


  8. If you need to change Route priority settings or change slippage value (0,5% by default) click on settings ⚙


  9. You will see “Settings” window where you can change swap parameters. Note that the slippage limit is 30%.


  10. Choose the route you like most in the Route block on the right side


  11. Click “Swap” button and sign “token allowance” transaction


  12. You need to sign transaction submission both for swap and bridging in your wallet, if there is only bridging or swap needed for your transfer then only one tx has to be signed.


  13. Wait for the tokens on the destination chain. Time depends on the chain and bridge used, so sit back and relax for a bit.


  14. You’ve done it! You can check the details of your swap by clicking “Swap details” or check how you can use your funds inside DeCommas app by clicking “Done”.
